Operation Lamb Tootsie Roll
The Knights of Columbus would like to offer a giant ‘Tootsie Roll’ thanks you to the parish community of St. Luke the Evangelist for your generous support and contributions during our Operations Lamb fundraiser late last year.
The sole purpose of LAMB is to support those with intellectual disabilities, and we typically organize donation drives in the community where we hand out tootsie rolls. With the pandemic, we were unable to do that this past year, and we organized a mail campaign instead. The event was very successful because of your generosity and support. Our council, along with other KOC councils in Wake County, raised a total of $14,906.96. Those funds remain right here in the triangle area to benefit many organizations such as the Tammy Lynn Center, the Frankie Lemmon School and the Triangle Down Network, just to name a few. Our Council at St. Luke also earmarks a portion of our proceeds to benefit the Special Olympics of Wake County.
The Knights of Columbus faith in action programs are centered on Faith, Life, Family and Community. Please know that your support will reach those in need and help us fulfill service in those missions.